Sunday, February 23, 2014

Let It Go

The week leading up to Valentine's Day was a whirlwind of activity: tests, homework, and a whole lot of baking.

I started out the week by baking two cakes because I had a few different baking projects I needed to get done for the week.

This was also what I wanted to do pretty much all week. Let's just say that I don't handle being sleep deprived too well....

A Starbucks is an absolute must when you're running on around 5 hours of sleep.

I worked through all of the exhaustion though and was able to get around to the fun part. I had a cake pop order from one of my friends for Frozen cake pops, and I (of course!) jumped at the opportunity. Cake pops and Frozen together - what could be better?


One of the love experts ;)

I was so, so happy with the way the Frozen pops turned out! I also made a few Valentine's Day ones for a family party on Valentine's Day to celebrate my Grandpa's birthday.

I made some cupcakes to go along with them too.

The grandkids with my Grandpa!

The rest of that weekend was spent at the Cincinnati Dance Marathon, better known as CDM. I went with some girls from my sorority, and the event is a fundraising event for Children's Hospital. It's a 24 hour dance marathon. And I had to be there for 24 hours. It was crazy! I may or may not have fallen asleep for about half an hour ;)

I came home from the event and pretty much crashed for a few hours until I had to go back out for two school-related meetings. Absolute craziness! I think I eventually reached a point where I was so tired that I didn't even feel tired anymore. I was surprised that by the time my meetings rolled around I wasn't asleep in the corner.

The past few weeks have been crazy, but I've really enjoyed them at the same time. The relaxation I did this weekend was much needed though!

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