The first day's theme was go green hair and flare, so the whole idea was to wear green in your hair along with green accessories. I think I did this one pretty good with some green jewelery and green ribbons and stuff in my hair.

The next theme was go green patterns. This was a toughie for me because I hardly had any green patterned stuff! The only thing I could find was this green striped ribbon, but I guess it's better than nothing :) (and it was absolutely impossible for me to get a decent picture of this)

Thursday's theme was go green greenhouse. Which I thought was kind of stupid at first, but it ended up not being all that bad/difficult. The whole point was to wear green flowers or plants or anything with recycling and literally "going green" environmentally. So, I wore a go green Seton flower shirt, and in art class we made necklaces out of green packaging peanuts as a way of recycling them.

And today's theme was ALL OUT GREEN. So basically, just wear anything green that you've got. Unfortuantely, I don't have a whole lot of green stuff. Mainly just t-shirts that I get from school. But I was able to put together some stuff to wear.

Today was actually a good day because for one, I got a 100 on my Ancient Chinese civilizations quiz (which was NOT fun to study for AT ALL, but at least it payed off). And then we had the lip synch concert at school. All of the student council members make up routines to a mix of songs, and it's always a lot of fun. Plus my school is real into spirit, and I think that is just too fun. We did a lot of cheers this afternoon, and my grade won the coveted spirit stick for being the most spirited & loud! It's been a pretty good week ;)
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