On Friday night I went out to eat with some of my friends for dinner. And then I had a few of them come back to my house to watch the premiere of Camp Rock 2! The movie was really good (extremely cheesy at times, but awesome!).
This was my favorite song from Camp Rock 2 :) I just LOVE singing along to this one.
And onto Saturday.....
Saturday was the Garage Get Down dance at my school. The day started off kind of rough, but the dance ended up being a lot of fun! I was sad because not all of my friends could be together before the dance, and then my new pajamas just didn't look the way I wanted them to with my slippers. (The dance is themed and our grade's theme was pj's - which was great because I was super comfortable the whole night!) So my Mom & I ended up going around trying to find some new slippers. And guess where I ended up finding ones that I liked? Kmart....ha! I never shop there, but we were desperate and I ended up getting a good buy! Then I headed over to my friend Nicci's house to get ready for the dance.
It ended up being a lot of fun, and I was sad/annoyed all morning for nothing :)
And I ended up not even wearing the new pajamas I got specifically for the dance. I ended up going with my leopard print robe instead (which I thought was a lot cuter anyway)
The dance is the absolute perfect place to people watch because everyone is dressed up so crazy! I think that half of the fun of this dance is just getting dressed up!
I tried to get a picture with each of my friends, but I think I might have missed a few of them.
Group shots before we left for the dance.
I ended up only taking 2 pictures at the dance, but I think everyone had a fun time :)
And then on Sunday I had a pretty lazy day. I got a lot of homework done though, and it was nice to just lounge around the house pretty much all day. I actually didn't step outside my house last night until 7:30. We headed out to go to the annual fireworks display downtown. And look what I ended up wearing.....

.....FALL CLOTHES! I've been dying to pull out boots, jeans, and jackets and I finally got the chance last night! I was SO excited. I love summer, but I have to admit that I am getting extremely tired of the crazy hot temperatures. It's been in the 90s the last couple weeks, and it's going back up there this week. So my glimpse of fall didn't last long, but I was very thankful for it.

I love this fireworks display because it is always so great. It lasts for awhile, and they always have some cool stuff.

But at the same time, seeing them always makes me sad because they are basically like the end of summer. Labor day weekend is always like that for me - all of the pools close down and everything just seems to say fall from here on out (aside from these crazy temperatures!).

But this weekend was a such a nice one! It was good to have a little break from school, even though I've only been back to school for 2 weeks....
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