Monday, September 9, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Finally getting around to posting about my Labor Day Weekend! I always have mixed emotions about Labor Day - I love the three day weekend aimed at relaxing and spending time with family, but I hate how it signifies the unofficial end of summer.

On Friday night I had a speaker series to attend for the KBS program I am in at school and then I went to a cook-out afterwards that was really fun!

Saturday was spent relaxing with Coco, one of my favorite pastimes :)

I also made Chocolate Peanut Butter Nutella Oreo Cookies that turned out to be a huge hit. They were so yummy and easy to make!

My family went downtown Sunday night for the big annual fireworks show. I love going down there every year, but it had been a few years because it's rained I think the previous two years. I was so happy it was a perfect night!

Labor Day itself was spent with family friends at a party/grill-out. It was so nice to have a day off to relax.

I feel like I am finally getting myself semi-caught up on blog posts now. I got a ton of stuff done over this past weekend, which I was really grateful for. College seems to be nothing but non-stop busyness.

I'm only two weeks in, and I already feel like I need a vacation :)

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