Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Project 365: February 2014

This February seemed to go by so fast. I know it's the shortest month of the year, but it usually feels like the longest. It went by so quick this year though!

February 1 - Kenwood shopping, dinner at Outback, and getting to meet this pup made for a pretty good day.

February 2 - Tried gnocci tonight - so yummy!

February 3 - Week 5 of the semester and the first Monday I've been able to come straight home from school! Too bad I spent all evening on homework.....

February 4 - Some days you just need to treat yourself to your favorite candy bar. Today was one of those days.

February 5 - ANOTHER SNOW DAY!!

February 6 - Long day... Up at 6:00, class, work, hot yoga, and KD treasurer meeting; 15 hours of being at school; and not going to bed until 11:30. Crazy!

February 7 - Had so much fun celebrating Mom's birthday today: Price Hill Chili for breakfast, BonBonerie sweets, and Moerlein (blueberry cobbler!!!!) for dinner!

February 8 - Out with old friends tonight! So happy I can go a few months without seeing them and then just pick right back up!

February 9 - Eating my favorite jellybeans while I work on homework. All. Day. Long.

February 10 - Making 2 cakes tonight since I have so much baking to do this week!

February 11 - Staying up REALLY late doing homework, so at least I get to snuggle with this girl!

February 12 - Getting only 5 hours of sleep requires a Starbucks....

February 13 - Started working on my Frozen cake pops today!

February 14 - Let it go...and eat Frozen cake pops!

February 15 - CDM!

February 16 - This is how I feel after a long day of CDM and KBS meetings....

February 17 - After a long day, I had a nice surprise waiting for me at work!

February 18 - Crazy girl!

February 19 - Nigh time snuggles!

February 20 - Made Lemon Blossoms tonight. Yummy!

February 21 - Warm enough today for a walk at the park!

February 22 - Things I love: sunshine, long chats with Danielle over Graeter's, driving with the windows down, and long walks at the park.

February 23 - Relaxing Sunday with yummy treats!

February 24 - Not too often I'm in bed by 10:00 on a school night these days!

February 25 - Love this girl!

February 26 - A long day of school calls for relaxation time with my puppy!

February 27 - Discovered the Frozen Radio station on iTunes Radio. Seriously listened to it for 3 hours..... ;)

February 28 - Such a fun Friday night!

What a fun February - I'm so excited spring is right around the corner!

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