It's been a crazy week for me, and I haven't had time to blog about it, so I wanted to do that now before I totally forget!
On Monday, I really didn't do a whole lot, which was nice after a crazy couple of days!
I had a dentist appointment in the morning, and then I had to babysit in the afternoon. Nothing overly exciting! I did go out to dinner with my friend Erin though, so that was fun :)
Wednesday was a really good day because I had absolutely nothing to do - ha! I ran to Target, picked up Chick-fil-A for lunch, and then headed home for most of the afternoon. I mostly sat on the couch and read my book with this little cutie....

I went out to eat with my friend Abby that night at a new place called Firehouse Subs - it was really good! Then we went to Orange Leaf for dessert. Again, really good!
On Thursday I had to babysit again, which I wasn't too thrilled about, but it ended up being fun! We watched Enchanted, and I got to relax most of the time - Yay!
That night we had my little cousins, Maddie and Sydney spend the night. We ate pizza, watched Despicable Me, had an art show, played air hockey, and watched The Polar Express. Maddie and I had a little photo shoot too - we were cracking up and she kept asking me to take more silly pictures :)

This one's actually cute!

Today my mom and I headed out to the mall because I got a ton of gift cards for Christmas and I had to exchange something too. I got 3 shirts, a pad of paper, and 2 belts, and I ended up only paying $15 of my own money. Success! We actually did more talking than shopping too because we ran into a bunch of old friends at the mall, so we kept stopping to catch up!
And, no trip to the mall is complete without a stop at Yagoot!

I'm seriously loving this Christmas break!
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