I had such a fun weekend! On Friday we had a girls night dinner with my mom's side of the family. We don't normally do that, and it was so fun! We went to dinner at Brio's, which is always delicious!

It was my mom, aunts, and cousins who all went. So fun!

I had lasagna - it's the only thing I've ever eaten there because it is just so good!

We all got mini desserts too. I picked out the chocolate carmel cake. It was fun treating ourselves to a fancy dinner :)

Maddie and I at dinner.

After dinner we went over to Barnes & Noble to walk around for a little bit. My little cousins had so much fun wandering around the kid's section. My cousin Maddie looked so grown up sitting down to read her book!

How cute is my other little cousin, Savannah? :)

That night I came home and slept for 13 hours! I don't know if I've ever slept that long at one time. It felt SO good though - for once I wasn't tired during the day :)
On Saturday my mom and I ran some errands in the afternoon. My mom ended up breaking her sunglasses while we were out, so we decided to make a quick stop at the mall so she could pick up some new ones. Since we went to a mall that is really close to Orange Leaf, we had to stop there too!

Saturday night we rented some movies, and relaxed at home. Nothing overly exciting, but it was nice to have a bit of a relaxing day!
Today was a busy day because I had a practice ACT this afternoon. I still don't know how I got to be this old. I feel like college should still be about 10 years off :)
After the test, my family went out to dinner, and then down to the Aronoff Theater because we had tickets to the show, Billy Elliot, tonight! The story line was a little hard for me to follow, but the dancing was amazing. I'd recommend it just because the dancers were so good!

I hope you have a great week!
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