Wow, I've got a lot of stuff to catch up on! It's been a fun and busy last few days.
We got our first real snow on Thursday afternoon. All this snow fell in about 20 minutes, but thankfully we didn't get a whole lot more than this - I'm getting tired of winter already :)

I finished my exams on Friday morning, so my mom and I headed out to pick up my dog's medicine when I got home. They have a Dairy Queen right by the vet, so of course we had to stop there!

After dessert, we went and got lunch at Dewey's. It was a good afternoon after a crazy few days of exams :)
On Friday night I went over my friend Abby's house for a while. We watched the movie Insidious, which was a creepy movie!
On Saturday my family went outlet mall shopping - my favorite! One of our first stops was the Rocky Mountaint Chocolate Factory. Delicious!

It was super cold out, but really fun too since it wasn't too crowded.

My best find was a new Coach purse. I love it!

That night we went to a chocolate party for my dad's cousin's birthday. It was different, but I had fun with my family :)
On Sunday we ran errands, and then that night I went to Graeter's with a friend of mine. Then I went over another friend's house to watch a movie. It was a relaxing night, but still fun.

Today I was off school, which was a much needed break! I did a whole lot of relaxing, which was just what I needed. I've mostly been sitting around watching movies. First I watched Beaches....

Then I went over my aunt's house to visit with my baby cousin, and now I'm watching Raise Your Voice. I haven't seen this movie in SO long.
Like I said, it was a fun, long weekend. I'm so glad exams are over, and I can start over with a clean start. I've actually got a lot of fun things going on over the next few months. For once, this January and February don't seem like they are going to go by super slow.
I hope everyone has a great week!
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