Friday, December 3, 2010

12 Days of Christmas: Day 11

New Years Resolutions

Hmmmm, I'm not big on New Years Resolutions, but I guess I can come up with a couple....

1. Have a better year than 2010
I make this a resolution basically every year. And I've got to say, I definitely fulfilled this resolution this year. 2009 was great, but I think 2010 was even better. Hopefully 2011 brings an even better year.

2. Read more books
I LOVE to read, but it's hard for me to find the time. So, I hope I can find the time to read more often in 2011.

3. Grow in my faith
I really don't need an explanation for this one, but I think this is totally important.

4. Take more pictures
I don't take a lot of pictures to be honest. I hardly ever use my camera, except for vacations, and concerts. I hope to change that this year & take more pictures.

5. Continue blogging
I started this blog at the beginning of 2010, and I never thought I would have so much fun writing posts :) In the beginning, it got a little boring (because I was trying to do a 365 blog), but ever since I've stopped that, it has been a lot of fun. Plus, I think it's a great scrapbook about what goes on in my life!

And, on another note, I went to a really fun concert last night! I'm a little tired today because I left early from school to go to it, and then I didn't get home until 11:30 last night. Then I had to start my homework and everything. So, I'm hoping to download my pictures soon and get a post up about it either today or in the couple of days.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Courtney said...

#2 & #4 are always something I strive for :) Good luck!

Aly @ Analyze This said...

Womderful list Allison! Building my relationship and strengthening my faith is a resolution every single year. :)

Kenj said...

I am so happy your years get better and better.! I hope the best for 2011.!!

Unknown said...

Hey!! I didn't know you had a blog!! Tracked you on my tracking thingy...LOL I'll add you to my blogroll

Kit said...

Great goals!!!!! Using the camera more is great!