Friday, June 6, 2014

Shopping, Playing, & Baking!

The last few days have been incredibly busy but really fun at the same time. At this point, I'm super exhausted, and I have a fairly busy weekend ahead of me.

On Wednesday night my mom and I went shopping. I mainly stocked up on some new makeup. I ran out of several things earlier in the week, so I needed to replace some of those products. Then it was Estee Lauder's bonus time, so I got some free stuff with that, and I got a new lipgloss that I had heard really good things about. I just love trying out new makeup products - I'll have to do an updated post soon on some of my new favorites!

Thursday was so busy - I think I was going a mile a minute from the time I woke up until the time I went to bed. I started off the day by watching and playing with my cousin/goddaughter!

My mom stopped by and brought us chocolate doughnuts - yummy!

They were obviously a hit!

I love, love, love the way this picture turned out!

After that fun, I went home and worked on cake pops all afternoon, which is exactly what I did this afternoon as well. I made over 100 in a little over 24 hours. Wow - I'm still impressed with myself that I was able to pull that off. I had an order from a girl I went to high school with for 2 dozen. Then I was asked to make some for Relay for Life, so I decided to donate 4 dozen to that (such a good cause - so happy I was able to help out with that!). I also had an order from my cousin for 2 1/2 dozen for a baby shower she's giving. It was a LOT of work, but they all turned out so cute!

I attached my contact information to the cake pops I donated to Relay since they're going to be sold there. Maybe I'll get some new customers as a result? Can you tell I'm studying business? Ha!

These sundae ones are always some of my favorites. Not sure why the picture is only loading sideways though.....

The baby girl pops were some of my favorites ever to make though. All of the pink was just too cute and sweet! Loved the way the monogrammed ones turned out too.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

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