August 10, 2010:
All morning I blasted my Jonas Brothers music. I got ready, and we headed out the door around 12:45. We picked up Abby and headed out to Riverbend. When we got there, we got in line at will call so Abby could get her soundcheck pass as soon as they opened it up. Here I am waiting, along with our massive stack of Allstar Weekend flyers:

They opened will call around 2ish and then we got in line to actually get into soundcheck. They ended up taking the soundcheck people back around 2:30 and they wouldn't let them back outside after soundcheck. I was pretty bummed, because for one, I didn't get to go to soundcheck, and for two, they went back a lot earlier than I was expecting. Kara and Tina weren't getting there till 5, so that was going to be a couple of hours by myself with nothing really to do. I got in a line to get in when the doors opened, but since I didn't have lawn seats, I didn't really need to scope out a good spot in line. I called Mom, and she came back up so I would have someone to walk around with. She got there around 3:30 and then we went and scoped out the tour buses, even though the Jonas Brothers were already there...

This is the Office Max Jonas bus thing.

This was the best picture I could get of the Road Dogs bus.
Mom and I just chilled and listened to soundcheck from outside the venue. Then around 5 Kara and Tina showed up, so Mom left. We waited outside for Kelley and Bri (who bought our extra tickets) and then headed inside at 5:30. We met up with Abby, and then we all kind of went our separate ways because Abby and I had to pass out those Allstar Weekend flyers.

We did have to stop and take a picture with the giant frosty though - ha!
We walked around a little bit, and then headed into the pavilion to find our seats and to continue to pass out our mass amounts of flyers. Passing them out was actually a lot of fun (except for when people just awkwardly stared at you when you were talking to them).

Kara took this picture of us while we were passing out the flyers. The awkward angle of my head kills me every time I see this :)
Time absolutely FLEW because before we knew it, it was 6:30 and I still hadn't gotten my merch yet. So, I went over and stood in a huge line, but finally got my tour book and an awesome tour shirt. Then I went back and found Abby and we got in our seats and were pumped for the show to start.

We took this picture right before the concert started. It was unbelievably hot, so I'm not quite looking my best :)

This is the cast of Camp Rock 2. They came out first and sang some CR1 and CR2 songs, and they really got the crowd pumped up and excited :)

This is Demi right as she came out. I don't know why, but I really like this picture :) Demi was really good as well! I was SO excited that she played Catch Me because that is definitely my favorite song of hers!

The JONAS BROTHERS as they came out too. They sang Feeling Alive as their first song. They really put on such a good show, and I was having so much fun during the entire concert. Not to mention the fact that they look SO much more attractive in real life :)

I took this picture during the beginning of Year 3000. I have a lot of pictures from that song because it was just so funny. They had these giant screens in the background that they had different things showing on during the songs. For some reason they had the most random stuff going on during Year 3000 and we got some good laughs out of it :) We start off with a kitchen scene...

...and then went on to the Jonas Brothers in a hovercraft with rainbows all around...

...and finally to the silliest one of all (also my favorite one): the random guy with his cat. I think it's supposed to be the "neighbor called Peter" but it is still just so funny!

This was when all of the CR2 cast and Demi came back out and sang a few songs around the campfire!

Nick also sang Who I Am from his side project, Nick Jonas and the Administration. The last time I had heard this live was 7 months ago in Chicago, and I was freezing my butt off! I think I have something with the Jonas Brothers and temperature extremes - ha!

I loved the way the picture I took during Who I Am turned out. The lighting must have been good or something because they all turned out great. I really like this one because it is him on the screen, and you can see his real head at the bottom :)

I love the song Lovebug, but it isn't my absolute favorite Jonas Brothers song. However, it might be now. Their performance of it was absolutely amazing. They came out in white tuxedos, and they had some dancers out there slow dancing. The stage looked amazing, they looked amazing, and they sounded amazing. It was great.

This picture was also taken during Lovebug. When the music starts to pick up, they released confetti. I think I will always remember this performance of Lovebug, because it was my absolute favorite :)

BRP! This was during Burnin' Up when Big Rob came out. His rap is definitely my favorite part of that song.

This was during their final bows. I always dread that because that always means that the concert is over, and I don't know when I am going to see them again :( It was really sad, but I have enough Jonas memories to last me a lifetime!

This was a picture of my seat. We were in section 500, row U, seats 501 and 502. It crazy to think that as I wrote this post, it was just 24 hours ago that I was acutally taking these pictures and experiencing these things. Time flies SO fast, and it's kind of depressing. I've now entered post concert depression :( Hahahaha! I just love the Jonas Brothers, and I especially love seeing them live. I'm also extremely proud to consider myself a fan of theirs. It's taken me about an hour to write this post, but I had fun remembering everything :) I'm going to try to upload my video of Nick singing "you're my Ohio baby" soon, but I'm too tired to do it now, and I've never done a video before. But overall, the concert was a blast. And it was truly the BEST DAY OF SUMMER.
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