Saturday, March 19, 2011

Birthday Party!

Last night was my friend's 16th birthday party! For her party we did a scavenger hunt. We had to run around town taking pictures/videos. Then we all met up at her house and looked at all of the pictures and videos everyone took. It was so much fun. I had a great group of girls to go around with, and we really got into it! Here's the pictures/videos we took:

Go to Nicci's Grade School and take picture of group in front of school

Go to Nicci's Relative's house and take a picture of whole group with Nicci's Relative on her porch.

Get a picture of the whole group at the greatest Girls High School around.

Find someone wearing a Seton shirt and take a picture of group with that person.

Make a short camera video singing Happy Birthday to Nicci.

Get a picture of the group with a guy/teenager wearing an Elder shirt of some type. Use hands/arms to make an "E" in the picture!

Go to any fast food restaurant and order something while singing their "jingle" - get it on video.

Go to famous Chili place and get picture of girls sharing one coney to go.

See if you can get a picture of one of you flipping a burger at a fast food restaurant with a SMILE!

Go to any park and take a video of the whole group pretending to play Nicci's favorite sport.

We didn't have anything on the list about a firefighter, but when we saw a fire truck pass us, we asked them to wish Nicci a Happy Birthday anyway!

Go to restaurant with the large statue of the "large, young male" and take a picture of the group standing around it!

Get a member of your group to go into any store and try on something that is way too big and ask a clerk if it fits. Get on video.

One of our tasks was to get a police officer to sing the National Anthem or God Bless America. We couldn't find any officers, even when we went to the police station! But we got a picture of us there anyway.

Go to a family friend's house and sing 2 Christmas songs and get it on video.

Take a vidoe of your whole group doing the Macarena dance together in a public place.

Get a picture of the group with Seton's mascot!

We had so much fun driving around and getting these pictures/videos! Our group was totally into it, which made it even more fun.

1 comment:

Nicci Stemler said...

I had an amazing party! Thank you guysss(: