In case you haven't noticed, I have a dog named Coco. She is a Shih-Tzu, and she is currently 3 years old. So, here's the story of how we got her (plus a lot of cute pictures!):
In 6th grade, I decided I wanted a dog. I convinced my parents (which wasn't as hard as I thought), and then we started our research. We eventually figured out that we wanted a Shih-Tzu. Someone who used to work with my dad had just recently got a Shih-Tzu. So, one Saturday we went over her house and played with her puppy. We really liked her, so we asked her for the information about where she got her puppy.
We called this place and talked about their puppies. They had some puppies that we would be able to take home at the end of August. BUT, my parents were going on vacation in September, and we didn't want to have to go through the trouble of potty training her, and then break the routine.
However, the people we got her from told us that we could wait and pick her up after my parents got back in September.
We decided to go through with it and get her. Her brithday is July 16, 2007. About a week after she was born, we were allowed to go pick out which dog we wanted to get.
The breeder we got her from lived in the middle of the country. It was a crazy farm, and the people were complete hillbillys, but they were really nice.
The puppies were SO tiny and absolutely adorable.

(Notice the little tongue sticking out - ha!)
We knew we wanted a girl, and we also wanted an all-black dog. There were 2 female black ones, and I was holding one of them, and I just knew that I wanted that one. Since we picked her out so early, I don't know for sure if we got the same dog I originally picked out, but I think we did :)
Then I had to go home and wait to actually get Coco for another couple months.
When my parents got home from Key West, we got to go pick her up! I was so excited. She had grown a LOT since we had picked her out.

To be honest, I was really upset when we brought her home. She didn't want to do anything - she didn't walk, eat, or play. All she did was sleep. Thankfully that stage passed, and now she plays with me all the time!
When we got her, I never thought she would turn out to be an allergic psycho, but hey, I wouldn't trade her for the world. It kills me how much she has grown over the years.

I can't imagine having any other dog. Sometimes she's so crazy and I get mad at her, but most of the time she's just so sweet.
But I have to say that my favorite thing about her is the fact that she constantly sticks her tongue out. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. :)

To be honest, I was really upset when we brought her home. She didn't want to do anything - she didn't walk, eat, or play. All she did was sleep. Thankfully that stage passed, and now she plays with me all the time!
When we got her, I never thought she would turn out to be an allergic psycho, but hey, I wouldn't trade her for the world. It kills me how much she has grown over the years.

I can't imagine having any other dog. Sometimes she's so crazy and I get mad at her, but most of the time she's just so sweet.
But I have to say that my favorite thing about her is the fact that she constantly sticks her tongue out. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. :)
awwww(: i really like this post!
I love the pictures, especially the ones when she was a puppy!
She's adorable!
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