Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The other night at the Kenny Chesney/Tim McGraw concert I had one of those perfect moments.

The rain had stopped, I was listening to some great music, a nice breeze was blowing, and the sky looked like this.....

And something clicked in my mind. All of a sudden I just felt so thankful for everything I have.

I also wondered how anyone could sit there, on a hot and stormy day suddenly turned beautiful, surrounded by thousands of people all enjoying and singing the same music, and not have faith in some type of God. Everything just seemed to perfect to me, although I realize that not every day is a perfect day....

In fact, I've always struggled through life on the "bad" days. There have been so many times that I've wished I could re-live all of my "good" days over and over. But now I just realized that if I really had the chance to do that, re-live all of those perfect moments, I don't think I'd want to anymore.

I'm always afraid of change and what's going to come next. But I realize that if we don't keep moving on, life ceases to have meaning. It we don't keep moving on, we'll never learn new things, visit new places, meet new people, or encounter new experiences.

I also thought about how if given the chance to re-live those "perfect" moments, we'd never have the opportunity to make new "perfect" moments.

I know that new "perfect" moments aren't going to happen without some "bad" ones thrown in too. But if we never had any bad experiences, days, or moments, we'd never have perfect ones either.

I think that the good times and the "perfect" moments happen more often than the "bad" ones anyway. I mean, sometimes it's the simplest things that make you happy. I've heard that said so many times before. But I've never heard anyone say that sometimes the simplest things put you in a bad mood.

For me, things like baking cupcakes today, seeing fireworks tonight with my family, going to a 4th of July party tomorrow, or looking forward to a vacation in a few weeks are the simple things that make me happy and the simple things that make up a life. My life.

I really can't wait to wake up every day, and know that even if the day doesn't go as planned, there's a purpose for it. And that even on the bad days, there's something simple to be happy about.

I can't wait to truly live every day of my life while making the "perfect" moments count for more than the "bad" ones.

And I can't wait to make more "perfect" moments along the way, while still accepting and being thankful for all the bad ones I'm bound to encounter also :)

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