Friday, November 29, 2013

Meeting The Pioneer Woman (Again!)

Monday night The Pioneer Woman was in town doing a book signing. She was here close to three years ago, and I got to meet her then, which was before her show had even started on Food Network. I've just been reading her blog for years, and she is just as sweet in person as she is on her blog and on TV.

I met some of my family at the bookstore, and I got lucky because they were already in line close to the front (I was late), so I didn't have to wait hardly at all!

So fun!

Even Savannah had fun!

After we met Ree, we went over to the kids section, and I thought it was so cute how the girls were sitting around listening to my mom read them a story.

Then my mom and I grabbed Piada for dinner (which is basically one of my favorite restaurants!).

Overall, Monday was a pretty awesome day!

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