Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Easton Shopping: Round 2

Last week was a typical summer week. I worked Monday and Wednesday, went shopping on Tuesday, and did absolutely nothing on Thursday. That's pretty much been my routine all summer - a few days of work, a few busy days, and a few do-nothing days. Perfect balance!

It was a gorgeous day on Monday, and I had a lunch break to myself. I finished my lunch up fast and went for a walk around campus while thinking about this upcoming school year. It was a beautiful day!

On Tuesday my mom and I headed up to Easton for a day of shopping. I was just there a few weeks ago, but I'm always up for going to Easton. We ate lunch at some place we had never tried before and did some good shopping. I always like to stop at the little chocolate shop there called Le Chocoholique. They have the cutest chocolates in tons of different flavors, and I always like to try something new. Last time I was there, I saw on their menu that they had a Frosted Cupcake Hot Chocolate. It intrigued me, so I thought to myself that I would have to get that next time I was there. I ordered it this time, and it was SO good. It seriously tasted just like a frosted cupcake. It's my new favorite thing!

We also got some chocolates too. I really liked that blue one because it had a fruity filling in the middle.

The rest of the afternoon was spent shopping, eating ice cream, and doing more shopping. As we were leaving, we decided to be bad and stop at one of the Rita's up in Columbus. Ha!

I always order strawberry when they have it. They didn't have strawberry this day, so I was forced to try something new. I ordered blueberry (which I don't remember ever seeing before), and it was so good!

I didn't leave my house at all on Thursday. Sometimes that is just so nice! I worked on a cake (my first cake order ever!), painted a pot, read my book, and just got a lot of stuff done that I needed to do. It felt so good to be productive all day at home. Coco wasn't quite as productive as I was though...... ;)

I am SO going to miss those do-nothing days when school starts in a few weeks. I was looking at my calendar the other day, and I am pretty much completely BOOKED UP between this weekend and September 20th. It's going to be crazy!

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