Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Today I am very excited to announce that my baking business is officially off the ground!

A few months ago I wrote a post on how I was working on my own website and Facebook page for my baking business. I finally finished everything yesterday, and it's time to launch it all.

This has kind of been a long time coming. Back in high school, I always had friends telling me I should start up a little page online to promote myself some more. I thought it was a good idea, but I didn't really have the time or motivation to sit down and do it back then. The timing was much better now since I've had an entire summer without work and school, I know a little bit about business now, and I was able to make it count towards a project requirement that I need for the University Honor's Program.

The progress on this project has been a little slow partly because I had been dragging my feet about coming up with a name. That was seriously the hardest part for me. I didn't want something too cliche and tacky, but I also didn't want it to be too simple like Allison's Cake Pops. I brainstormed for several days, and then one morning the name Frosted popped into my head. I really liked it, the name wasn't widely used, and it was related to baking without locking me into baking once certain thing.

Once I had the name, everything else started progressing faster. I came up with a logo, purchased a domain name, set up the website, and put together the Facebook page.

I have to say that of all things, the logo is probably my favorite!

Go check out the site at:

And "like" the page on Facebook at:

Thank you all so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your baking business! I always knew you would start one up!