On Friday, my school had our Thanksgiving prayer service. Going into it, I didn't expect it to be so meaningful!
We had Eucharistic Adoration, which I have never been a part of before. We started off be hearing a testimony from a young man who had made a lot of bad decisions throughout his life. Then he spoke about how the power of the Eucharist changed him, and how he turned his life around. It was an awesome testimony that really set the stage for adoration.
The adoration was fairly simple - the Eucharist was displayed in the monstrance, which was placed on the altar. That was basically it - there were no readings, the priest didn't talk. The only thing was that there was music. And the music was just beautiful.
They started off with O Come Let Us Adore Him.
Then we moved on to Come to the Water, which was a song that I had never heard before, but I thought it was great!
Then we sang Our God is Greater, which I instantly fell in love with.
The whole thing was pretty simple, yet it was beautiful and powerful. At one point, almost everyone was kneeling on the ground, and everyone seemed so touched.
Afterwards, they took the monstrance and put it in the chapel, and during our religion classes, we were able to go into the chapel and pray, if we wanted. It was totally optional, but when I went into the chapel, I thought it was cool how many people were there. How many people choose to be there. At one point, the chapel was almost full, but yet, no one said a word. Which, is very rare for a group of teenage girls! So, I thought that was really cool.
I just wish we had something like this more often, because it was SO touching :)

And now, I am going to shift gears completely and blog about my weekend!
On Friday night I went with my friend Abby to a benefit concert. It was alright, but we felt really out of place because everyone was dressed up and we didn't know anyone! But we got Starbucks afterwards, so it made it all worth it.... ;)
On Saturday I had to work the HSPT (high school placement test) for the 8th grade girls. It was alright, but getting one of the great cookies made it all worth it. (Do you see a theme with me and food - ha!)
And, guess what I did on Saturday night??? I went to see Harry Potter! I got a group of my friends to go, and we ate and shopped a little before we saw the movie. It was SO good, but it was the first Harry Potter movie I've cried during.
Is it just me, or is Dobby just the cutest thing ever?

Today has been a pretty average day. I've been working on homework a lot. But I also got out driving for about an hour, and then my mom and I walked around this outdoor shopping center for a little bit this afternoon.
I'm so happy I have a short week this week - I only have 3 days of school. I hope everyone has a great week & Thanksgiving :)
Um no Dobby is the cutest thing ever! haha
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