What a day! I got my laptop back today, and I am typing on it as I write this post. I'm so glad I got it back - our desktop is a little slow and my mom's laptop is falling apart. I have the best computer in the house and I can finally use it again. Thank goodness!
I spent the rest of the day shopping. Now, don't laugh at me here, but I went to the mall twice today - ha! My mom and I went to Kenwood Mall this afternoon, and my whole family went to Florence Mall tonight. Let me explain though so you don't think my family is completely crazy. My dad works for Macy's, so we get a discount there. We usually get 20% off, but for the next year we get 30% off. Today was an extra 10%. That means we got an additional 40% off today on top of coupons and sales they had in the store. We did some hardcore shopping today since we don't normally save this much!
I thought I would share the great finds I found today, since who doesn't love a good fashion blog post?
Out at Kenwood, I picked up 2 shirts. I'm really into the ruffles and flowers that are super popular this year.

This shirt is from one of my favorite brands ever - INC. I think INC has the cutest stuff ever. The only thing I don't like? The prices. I sometimes think their stuff is overpriced for what you get, so if I find something I like on sale I always get it.

Then I picked up a new pair of shoes. I think I ended up getting these for $10 after all of the discounts - you really can't beat that!

When we went out to Florence, I got another shirt from Style & Company. I absolutely love this brand! They always have cute things, and I think their prices are very reasonable.

My last purchase was some nail polish. I will admit that I am a little OPI obsessed. I'm also a little bit of a nail polish snob - I love OPI, so that is pretty much the only brand I buy. Sometimes I just have to splurge on the good stuff, and nail polish is one of those things. I've been needing a new red color, so I found one I liked, A Oui Bit of Red!

Overall, I would say it was a successful shopping day! I hope you are having an excellent week!
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