This is going to be a super short post because I don't have a lot of time! I know that I usually do a Remember When Wednesday post, but I'm not doing one today.

In fact, I've decided to take a break from my Remember When Wednesday posts! I started the idea as a way to get me to blog more during the week, and I think I accomplished that! The main reason behind wanting to blog more during the week was because I had nothing exciting to blog about during that time. I don't think you want to read posts about how school went and the amount of homework I have.
Since school is almost over (only 6 more days!), I thought it was time to stop Remember When Wednesday for now. With summer, I should have a lot more to blog about, so I probably won't need "filler" posts :)
What I'm thinking right now, is that I'll start Remember When Wednesday back up in the fall. I'm sure no one will really miss the posts, but I thought I'd write about my plans just in case you were wondering.
I'm hoping to get some more posts up this week, but I just don't know with the way my schedule has been going! I've been crazy busy with exam prep stuff.
Hopefully you're having a much better, and less hectic week than I am!