If this weekend was any indication as to how this summer is going to be, I think I will be in for an awesome summer! I posted on Friday about our spirit day, and the weekend just kept getting more and more fun as it went along.
On Friday I came home and took a much needed nap. I think a lot of my friends did the same, and we were all feeling so much better and were up for doing something again on Friday night. My friend Rachel invited us over her house. We baked some of the brownies I posted about here, and then we watched a movie. I fell asleep really early, but hey, I was still tired.
I woke up on Saturday morning to Forest Gump playing. That is such a great movie. After that was over, we made waffles for ourselves and then it was time for me to head home.

I had my cousin's 3rd birthday party to go to. It was a Strawberry Shortcake themed party, and it was so cute.
It was my dad's birthday on Saturday, so we went down to Cabana for dinner in order to celebrate. The Cabana is my favorite summer restaurant!
My friends ended up doing something again on Saturday night. I went over my friend Erin's house for a little while. Then we decided to head over to my house since my dad set up a bonfire. I stopped and got stuff to make s'mores, but as I was heading home, it started raining! So, we just had to do some microwave s'mores. Not as fun, but still good :)
Today I finally got around to cleaning my room. I'm not talking just tidying it up. I mean some real cleaning. I got out all of my summer clothes and put away all of my winter clothes. Then I got rid of stuff, cleaned my desk, dusted my dresser, and just cleaned. My room's been needing it for awhile, so I'm glad I just did it and got it over with. As I was cleaning I came across some things I had to share.
This picture isn't very good quality, but it's a picture of an angel charm. My friend Kara gave it to me in first grade because my grandma had passed away during that year. I am amazed that I still have the charm considering it's so small and I got it around 10 years ago :)

Then I came across this super cute pair of earrings. They used to be my mom's a long time ago, but I didn't even realize I had them. It's amazing what you come across when you haven't cleaned in a long time.

I should have taken a before picture, but I didn't think about it and I probably would have been too embarrassed to post it - ha! But take my word on it, this dresser was a mess, and now it looks so good!

I came across this little thing today too......

It's the chicken. I got this back in fourth grade. My fourth grade math teacher had this little tradition where she gave away these chickens at the end of the year. Everyone always loved the chickens. I was lucky enough to get one!
I've got a little bit of homework left to finish up tonight, and then I'm thinking about watching a movie. I'm still a little tired from the busyness of the weekend :)
I'm so ready for school to be over. I'm crossing my fingers this week goes by fast!