I had a fabulous weekend! I was super busy, but I had a lot of fun.
On Friday, some of my friends went to Chipotle for dinner. I picked up my friend Abby and drove both of us there. It was SO weird driving by myself. We met up with some of my other friends there. After dinner, we walked around the little shopping area. Our favorite stop was Party City. They just re-did the store, and it was so cool. My friends, Melanie and Rachel, and myself acted like we pretty much 5 years old - ha! We spent the entire time in the candy aisle.
But seriously, who wouldn't want to hang out here?

Then we drove over to Target and shopped around there. My friend Mel invited us back to her house, so we ended the night hanging out at her house.
We played Life (which I'd never played before).
[It's kind of hard to tell, but this was my car. My friend wouldn't let me be a girl.......]

On Saturday I went over my grandma's house to plant flowers. My whole family was over there, so it was a lot of fun. We went out to Skyline after that. Then I ran to Target and Best Buy, where I bought something I've been wanting for awhile.....
an iPod adapter for my car!

Saturday night I went to my friend Rachel's house to do some baking. We decided to make cake pops.
While the cake was baking and cooling, we pulled Life out again. I think Life is going to be a new game tradition. It was so much fun playing with my friends, Melanie, Abby, and Rachel! The game got me thinking about my life. Wouldn't it be great if our life was as easy as it seems in that game? Unfortunately, it isn't that simple. But I love where I am in my life right now. Sometimes I dwell on the past or yearn for the future, but the now moments are the ones I'm guaranteed. And dwelling on the past doesn't do anything to change the present. I need to remember that!
I kind of went off on a tangent, but let's get back to those cake pops. This picture sums up how they turned out:

I missed the important step of putting them in the fridge for several hours after you rolled them - oops!
Rachel did get one good one though:

We had a bit of a scare while we over Rachel's house. Abby thought she heard something outside the window, so we all huddled in the corner of Rachel's kitchen. Then her dog, Daisy, came up to the window and started running around and barking at it. We FLIPPED OUT. Abby called her mom, who was in the area, and she started heading over to look around. We were all still huddled in this little corner at this time. Then we hear a knock on the window/door. We once again, FLIPPED OUT. Turns out, it was just Abby's mom and sister playing a joke on us since we had called all freaked out. We still don't know if there was anything there initially.
Today was Mother's Day, so Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there!
I went out to lunch with my dad's side of the family today. We found out that my cousin and her boyfriend got engaged on Saturday night! I'm super excited because I haven't been to a wedding in ages, and I'm wedding obsessed. I can't wait to get married myself one day.
But other than that, today was a little bit more low-key. I wanted to try out the cake pops again. I had some leftovers from yesterday that I put in the fridge, and they turned out so much better!

I am now cake pop obsessed. I really need Bakerella's book!
And, just because she's cute, here's a picture of my favorite puppy!

Have a great week!
hahaha, this weekend was the best, I had so much fun! (:
Wow! Looks like you had LOTS of fun! I can't wait until I get my driver's license then I can have as much fun as you had that day. =)
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