I've seen some other blogs do this, and I thought I would do it too since it's been a couple of days since I blogged last!

A - Age - 15 (I'll be 16 in less than a month!)
B - Bed size - Full
C - Chore you hate - unloading the dishwasher!
D - Dogs - I have one dog named Coco!
E - Essential start to your day - Getting on the computer and checking my e-mail and reading blogs
F - Favorite color - pink
G - Gold or silver? - silver
H - Height - I don't know my exact height - ha! I'm guessing somewhere around 5 foot :)
I - Instruments you play - None, but I might be changing that soon!
J - Job title - Unemployed (unless cleaning my grandpa's condo counts, then my job title would be "cleaning lady.")
K - Kids - I have no kids. (Refer back to letter "A")
L - Live - I live in Ohio.
M - Mom's name - June
N - Nickname - Some of my family calls me "Pippi" and one of my friends calls me "Son"
O - Overnight hospital stay - Just when I was born
P - Pet peeve - the smell of syrup. I absolutely hate the smell of syrup - it makes me want to gag.
Q - Quote from a movie - "Are you serious Clark" (Christmas Vacation) That movie has some really great quotes!
R - Right or left? - Right
S - Siblings - None
T - Time you wake up normally - for school I wake up at 6:05
U - Underwear - I'm not really sure what this one's asking for, but yes, I do wear underwear.
V - Veggies you dislike - Pretty much all of them except potatoes, corn, and green beans.
W - What makes you run late - I'm normally on time :)
X - X-rays you've had - I've had some done on my teeth, but I think that's it.
Y - Yummy food you make - Cheesecake!
Z - Zoo animal - Giraffe (speaking of which, the giraffe at our zoo just had the cutest little baby!)
I'm so glad it's Friday! Have a good weekend!
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