A few years ago, my family took a vacation to New England. We went to 4 different cities. I LOVED that vacation, and I thought I would share some pictures from it for my Remember When Wednesday!
[the view from the airplane]

1. Boston, Massachusetts
Our first stop was Boston. The city was beautiful, and it had some great history. I hope I can get back there some day!

[dog tags]

[The Old North Church]

[USS Constitution]

2. Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Boothbay was a very small, relaxed town. When I think of Maine, Boothbay is the type of town I think of. The hotel we stayed in was gorgeous. It was called the Topside Inn, and it was located on a hill that overlooked the harbor.

[the inside of our room]

[the foot bridge]

[The Lobster Dock restaurant]

3. Bar Harbor, Maine
Bar Harbor might just be the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Acadia National Park is there, and it is just stunning. The town was so cool too, and we had fun shopping in the town and visiting Acadia.
[Ice cream shop - they even had lobster ice cream!]


There was a place called Jordan Pond in Acadia that we saw too. They had a restaurant right on the pond, that was called the Jordan Pond Restaurant. They had these things called Popovers that were so delicious.

[Jordan Pond]

[Love, love, love this picture!]

[I really wish I was back here....]

4. Waterbury, Vermont
Our last stop was Waterbury, Vermont. There is absolutely nothing in Waterbury aside from the Ben and Jerry's factory (which was the only reason we went there - ha!). We got a tour of the factory, ate some ice cream, and walked around. It was a cool place to see, but I doubt I'll ever go back.

And that was our New England trip. I absolutely loved that vacation and would do it all again in a heartbeat. If you have the chance - go there some day! It's beautiful.
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