This is going to be a really random post, but I wanted to write about the Royal Wedding and the job interview I had last night. But first off, the Royal Wedding!
My mom and I got up at 5:15 this morning to watch the wedding. I'm so glad we did because it was so much fun to watch! We made cinnamon rolls too. We turned it on at just the right time - we got to see Prince William and Harry arrive at the Abbey. Then we got to see the entire ceremony before I had to leave for school. I know pictures are being posted all over the Internet, but I wanted to post a few of my favorite Royal Wedding pictures!

I found all of these pictures on a Tumblr that is dedicated to Will and Kate. I've been looking at the pictures all morning!

Now onto my interview last night! This was my first ever job interview. Although I don't expect to get the job (due to my age), I think I learned a lot from the experience.

The interview was with Coldstone and it was SO weird. They made us introduce ourselves, which was fine. Then we had to go around and dance individually. The worst part came next: we had to sing. By ourselves. As in, a solo. It was so weird especially since I'm definitely not a singer. Then, we split up into groups and had to come up with a song about ice cream. It was awesome because one of the girls in my group had a great song already!
My favorite part of the interview? Everyone got to order some free ice cream at the end. I think it was worth it just for that. The guy mentioned that he doesn't usually hire 16-year olds because there are a lot of laws that restrict some of the things they can do. And anyway, it was my first interview ever and if they judged based on your singing voice (which I don't think was the point) I would never get a job - ha!
But anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend!
1 comment:
I found your blog while looking through comments on Emily's blog. I like your blog!
This interview sounds really weird. Lol. I'm still trying to find a job at 18 years of age. If I was interviewed at the place you mentioned in this post. I'm sure I would do fine at the singing part, but not at dancing lol. I'm no good at dancing. I would love some free ice cream!!! I have one more place to get an application from. And it sells ice cream and pizza. I'm hoping that they will hire me.
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