I'm not linking up for the 30 Day Challenge today because I couldn't think of any good goals I want to accomplish - ha!
I've been so slacking with my blogging lately. I've got so much stuff I want to get caught up on, and I'm going to try and do that all in this post. I blogged about last Friday, but other than that I haven't mentioned anything else I've been up to lately.
Sunday - September 4, 2011
I really didn't do a whole lot on Sunday besides watch Psycho with my family.

Have you seen that movie? For being made in the 1960s, I thought it was really good and pretty freaky. I was definitely not expecting the ending!
Monday - September 5, 2011
On Monday, my family drove around trying to find a good place to take pictures. We had a hard time coming up with anything good, but we did take a few pictures.

Tuesday - September 6, 2011
This was a rough day. I had a lot of homework, but I did get to go out to dinner with my cousins. It was nice to have an hour or so to relax, run around, and play with them to relieve the stress of the day!
Wednesday and Thursday really weren't that exciting - just filled with school and homework. This year is kicking my butt already!
Friday - September 9, 2011
Ahh, Friday was a really good day! After I got home from babysitting, my family and I headed up to Dayton to go to the Greene and Rita's! I know I was just there a month ago, but my dad didn't get to go that time, and he was really in the mood for Rita's. We tried Noodles & Co. for the first time. I seriously don't know why I have never gone there before Friday. I am mac & cheese obsessed, and their mac & cheese was so creamy and cheesy. I loved it and would definitely recommend trying it :)
We walked around the Greene a little bit, and then we went to Rita's :) It was SO good (as always!) They had Kiwi-Strawberry ice, which I was ecstatic about! I had that over a year ago in Washington DC, and I fell in love with that flavor, but I haven't seen it since. It pretty much made my day!
Saturday - September 10, 2011
Saturday was such a busy day! I got up and got ready, and ran some errands with my mom. Then I came home and made cupcakes! My school has a dance every year called the Garage Getdown. Every grade has a different theme to dress up as, and our theme this year was Army. I wasn't too crazy about the theme, but I just went with it, and I made Army cupcakes since my friends were coming over beforehand.
I went all out. As in, I made the cupcakes and icing from scratch! I even piped the icing on really cute and made them in camo cupcake liners.
But then I took it a step further and topped them with army men. I love the way they turned out, and they tasted really good too!
I also made my shirt for the garage getdown. It was really simple (it just says Army in camouflage letters), but I was happy with the way it turned out!
[Serious pose]
Sunday - September 11, 2011
First off - I can't believe yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of September 11. I honestly don't remember that day since I was in 1st grade, but I still feel bad for all the lives lost.
On Sunday I went to brunch with my family at the Market Street Grille. That is becoming our new favorite restaurant. Their brunch buffet is so good, especially since they have a chocolate fountain! It was fun playing with my cousins and catching up with my family since I don't usually see them as much during the school year.
This afternoon we tried to go to a soccer game for my parent's friend's daughter Sydney, but it ended up being rained out and canceled. Figures!
Wow! It's been quite a busy few weeks. I've got another busy week, and a super busy weekend already planned that I am really excited about. However, thinking of this week just makes me tired already! I miss summer!
Have a great week!
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